No Joke. Coffee Is Good For You.
Coffee Associated With Reduced Risk Of Stroke And Dementia. I have jokingly referred to my coffee addiction in the past; but today I am being totally serious. New studies have shown that moderate coffee drinking (2 to 3 cups a day), which is my typical consumption, reduces the risk of death in persons with heart comorbidities. As you know, I have CM, with a triple bypass in 2015. But, my greatest fear is not dying of a heart attack. That is probably pre-ordained, and I am, after all, 76 years old. My greatest fear is dementia, and the corresponding loss of a connection to reality, and the inability to think and write. Dementia is the plague of our society, and it is the cruelest disease of all. So, this study, which seems to indicate a correlation between coffee drinking and a reduction in dementia risk, is heartening. My deteriorating body is something I can deal with. The loss of my mind would be beyond terrible. Any other coffee drinkers out there? May your coffee kick in today before reality.