Sunday Book Review: September 29, 2024 The books on Frankenstein Edition | Thomas Fox – Compliance Evangelist

In the Sunday Book Review, Tom Fox considers books that would interest the compliance professional, the business executive, or anyone who might be curious. It could be books about business, compliance, history, leadership, current events, or anything else that might interest me.
In today’s edition of the Sunday Book Review, we look at the four books on Frankenstein See more +
In the Sunday Book Review, Tom Fox considers books that would interest the compliance professional, the business executive, or anyone who might be curious. It could be books about business, compliance, history, leadership, current events, or anything else that might interest me.
In today’s edition of the Sunday Book Review, we look at the four books on Frankenstein Edition.
• Book 1, The Prodigal Sons by Dean Koontz
• Frankenstein Underground by Mike Mignola
• Monstrous Progeny by Lester Friedman
• Frankenstein: A Cultural History by Susan Tyler Hitchcock See less –