Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand — Smashing Magazine

Useful Recipes For Writing Vectors By Hand — Smashing Magazine

Even though I am the kind of front-end engineer who manually cleans up SVG files when they are a mess, I never expected to become one of those people. You know, those crazy people that draw with code.

But here we are.

I dove deep into SVG specs last winter when I created a project to draw Calligraphy Grids, and even though I knew the basic structures and rules of SVG, it was only then that I fully tried to figure out and understand what all of those numbers meant and how they interacted with each other.

And, once you get the hang of it, it is actually very interesting and quite fun to code SVG by hand.

No ahead

We won’t go into more complex SVG shapes like paths in this article, this is more about practical information for simple SVGs. When it comes to drawing curves, I still recommend using a tool like Illustrator or Affinity. However, if you are super into compounding your lines, a path is useful. Maybe we’ll do that in Part 2.

Also, this guide focuses mostly on practical examples that illustrate some of the math involved when drawing SVGs. There is a wonderful article here that goes a bit deeper into the specs, which I recommend reading if you’re more interested in that: “A Practical Guide To SVG And Design Tools.”

Drawing With Math. Remember Coordinate Systems?

Illustrator, Affinity, and all other vector programs are basically just helping you draw on a coordinate system, and then those paths and shapes are stored in SVG files.

If you open up these files in an editor, you’ll see that they are just a bunch of paths that contain lots of numbers, which are coordinates in that coordinate system that make up the lines.

But, there is a difference between the all-powerful and the other, more semantic elements like , , , , , and .

These elements are not that hard to read and write by hand, and they open up a lot of possibilities to add animation and other fun stuff. So, while most people might only think of SVGs as never-pixelated, infinitely scaling images, they can also be quite comprehensive pieces of code.

How Does SVG Work? unit != unit

Before we get started on how SVG elements are drawn, let’s talk about the ways units work in SVG because they might be a bit confusing when you first get started.

The beauty of SVG is that it’s a vector format, which means that the units are somewhat detached from the browser and are instead just relative to the coordinate system you’re working in.

That means you would not use a unit within SVG but rather just use numbers and then define the size of the document you’re working with.

So, your width and height might be using CSS rem units, but in your viewBox, units become just a concept that helps you in establishing sizing relationships.

What Is The viewBox?

The viewBox works a little bit like the CSS aspect-ratio property. It helps you establish a relationship between the width and the height of your coordinate system and sets up the box you’re working in. I tend to think of the viewBox as my “document” size.

Any element that is placed within the SVG with bigger dimensions than the viewBox will not be visible. So, the viewBox is the cutout of the coordinate system we’re looking through. The width and height attributes are unnecessary if there is a viewBox attribute.

So, in short, having an SVG with a viewBox makes it behave a lot like a regular image. And just like with images, it’s usually easiest to just set either a width or a height and let the other dimension be automatically sized based on the intrinsic aspect ratio dimensions.

So, if we were to create a function that draws an SVG, we might store three separate variables and fill them in like this:


SVG Things Of Note

There is a lot to know about SVG: When you want to reuse an image a lot, you may want to turn it into a symbol that can then be referenced with a use tag, you can create sprites, and there are some best practices when using them for icons, and so on.

Unfortunately, this is a bit out of the scope of this article. Here, we’re mainly focusing on designing SVG files and not on how we can optimize and use them.

However, one thing of note that is easier to implement from the start is accessibility.

SVGs can be used in an tag, where alt tags are available, but then you lose the ability to interact with your SVG code, so inlining might be your preference.

When inlining, it’s easiest to declare role="img" and then add a </code> tag with your image title.</p> <p><strong>Note</strong>: <em>You can check out <a href="">this article for SVG and Accessibility recommendations</a>.</em></p> <pre><code class="language-javascript"><svg role="img"> <title>An accessible title

Drawing SVG With JavaScript

There is usually some mathematics involved when drawing SVGs. It’s usually fairly simple arithmetic (except, you know, in case you draw calligraphy grids and then have to dig out trigonometry…), but I think even for simple math, most people don’t write their SVGs in pure HTML and thus would like to use algebra.

At least for me, I find it much easier to understand SVG Code when giving meaning to numbers, so I always stick to JavaScript, and by giving my coordinates names, I like them immeasurable times more.

So, for the upcoming examples, we’ll look at the list of variables with the simple math and then JSX-style templates for interpolation, as that gives more legible syntax highlighting than string interpolations, and then each example will be available as a CodePen.

To keep this Guide framework-agnostic, I wanted to quickly go over drawing SVG elements with just good old vanilla JavaScript.

We’ll create a container element in HTML that we can put our SVG into and grab that element with JavaScript.