7 Old Money Habits to Adopt for Long-Term Wealth (+ examples)

7 Old Money Habits to Adopt for Long-Term Wealth (+ examples)

[00:43:06] Ramit: Morgan, can you walk through the net worth section? Just read off the words in bold and the full number next to it.

[00:43:15] Morgan: Assets, 495,000.

[00:43:17] Ramit: Okay.

[00:43:19] Morgan: Investments, 16,994. Savings, 5,744. Debt, 218,718.

[00:43:28] Ramit: And total net worth?

[00:43:33] Morgan: $299,020.

[00:43:35] Ramit: All right. What do you think about that?

[00:43:40] Paul: I think it’s pretty low.

[00:43:42] Ramit: Okay. What do you think, Morgan?

[00:43:43] Morgan: I thought we were going to be in negative.

[00:43:46] Ramit: Okay. All right. Damn. It’s depressing in here right now. I’m sweating. How do we know this is good or not?

[00:43:54] Morgan: I don’t know.

[00:43:55] Ramit: Hmm. What do you think, Paul? You said it’s pretty low. What number would be good?

[00:44:02] Paul: Just looking at the numbers, a higher savings and a higher investment would be good.

[00:44:08] Ramit: So your response is, I don’t know what would be good, but I know this is bad. That’s pretty much how most guys feel about their money. It’s like, all right. Well, that’s why I’m always going to have a job. All right, so I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I know that in general it’s positive. I know that you’re in your 30s.

[00:44:30] I know that looking at this, you have a net worth of $300,000, including a house. And alone, that just gives me a snapshot of where you are. Your income, your expenses, that tells me a lot more, right? So let’s put a pin in the net worth. First of all, it’s positive. That’s a good science. It’s positive with 300,000 bucks. All right. Income. Paul, what is your combined gross monthly income?

[00:44:58] Paul: 14,307.

[00:45:00] Ramit: All right, so you make $14,000 per month.

[00:45:04] Morgan: Mm-hmm.

[00:45:05] Paul: Gross.

[00:45:06] Ramit: Gross. So what do you think about that number?

[00:45:09] Paul: I don’t think it’s– I wish it was net.

[00:45:21] Ramit: Damn a lot of depressed responses. I’ve never had a couple making $14,000 a month telling me all the things wrong with life. What the hell is going on here?

[00:45:29] Morgan: I just feel like, where’s the money?

[00:45:31] Paul: It just seems like, yeah, with all the costs and living in the area we do, it seems like it doesn’t go very far.

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