A Social Media App that Encourages Quality Over Quantity

A Social Media App that Encourages Quality Over Quantity


I’ve got some exciting news. I wanted to make a social media app for a while and I finally was able to do it with an interesting twist on the idea.

The Vision Behind the Idea

The biggest problem nowadays is that social media are filled with a bunch of junk posts that have no meaning to them. I want to make something that people want to put more effort into. I was aiming for a person’s real look into their day or how they’re feeling. I feel like Twitter has become, for example, just a mess of just garbage, sometimes where it’s just a bunch of brain rot and low-effort content.

The Gimmick and Concept

Well, what’s the whole gimmick then? You can only make one post a day, and after that day is up, the post will be archived into your backlog. Where nobody can see it but you, so you can keep track. This should encourage people to make more thoughtful posts, hopefully sparking more organic posts, in a sense.

Technical Details

So, my front end, my back end, my knowledge of APIs, containers, Figma were all implemented. I did a lot of designing, redesigning, and restructuring. A lot of nights thinking about where this should go? How should I do this? What should I do with this? I used Next.js for the frontend framework. Since I haven’t used it before, I thought it would be a good learning experience. I set up the backend with java/Spring for my services with a progress database. Used DTO, models, controllers, services for the backend to help me get the data from the database and then send it up to the frontend.

Feedback Request

If you want to try it out, here’s the link to behere.onrender.com. Keep in mind it may take a minute for the front end and back to start up. It’s something I’ve been working on for a while. If you’d like to give it a try, let me know if there’s anything you liked or didn’t like or thought about adding or anything. I thought it was a cute project to work on in the meantime between everything else I’m doing. So, yeah, let me know what you think.


I am glad I was actually able to make this app. If I had told my younger self back in college that I would have built such a complex website, I wouldn’t have believed it. This was a fun passion project. I thank you for reading along.

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