Day 1121 : Reality TV

liner notes:
Professional : Pretty chill and productive day. Got to catch up with some team members. Went through some community questions. Got clarity on some stuff. Worked on some tickets. Good way to end the week.
Personal : Went to the meetup and had a good time. Learned about a new cross platform framework. Got to catch up with folks I haven’t seen since the last event. Afterwards, made it back to my place and stayed up to work on the radio show.
Got the idea to try and print the lenticular image in a translucent/transparent filament. I took a video of the prototype in white to the artist and they liked it. So, that’s some good news. Been unpacking boxes and setting stuff up. Got the TV working. Hooked it up to some streaming services. Never realized how many reality TV shows there are. haha Moved some boxes around. Also enlarged the holes in the bottom of the shelving unit for the large format 3D printer to fit the casters I bought. Going to finish putting together the radio show. The print has like another hour before it’s finished. From the preview it looks pretty good so far. Looking to put together a package to mail before going into the station. So yeah, the radio happens on Saturday at and the study sessions are on Sundays at
Have a great night!
peace piece
Dwane / conshus /