My App is Live Now!!!

I am happy to anounce that my app is live now! This is the simple side project i wanted to create and make live.
All it took a day to create fully working Quiz App for software developers and make it live share with you all. I will explain exactly how i created “QUIZ UP” so that you can also replicate it or similar app. I will also share the live link with you so that you can play with the app yourself.
Let me first talk about the hero which helped me do this, “The Coders Bakery”. TCB helped me generate the code and on top of that code, i made some changes and updated some piece of code for beauty and just like made my working app live within a day.
Here is the Video of the process, if you are more of a watcher, than a reader.
Talking about how i build it, for TCB first i have to break down my apps in little pieces ( entities ). I have to think about the properties for each entities just like given in the below diagram.
Once you have your data ready, fill out the TCB dashboard with the data. Now you can simply export your project with just one click. The codebase is with you now, you can update the beauty part and change the flow as per your need.
The codebase is structured in a simple way, separating each entity into different folders. Once you look at the folders, it self explanatory.
On admin side, we will get admin panel to add category, subcategory and quiz and all entities will be related as we defined it in TCB dashboard.
On user side, each entity will have list page and a detail page. On the list page, when user will click on the card, it will redirect it to the detail page. Now here, we have to make some change and from category the redirection should be updated to subcategory, and then to Quiz page. This whole changes are done in detail in the YT video given.
Now when user will login, list of category will be shown, on click of the category, subcategory of that category will be shown and the again quiz will be shown for that subcategory. On answering each quiz, you will be moved to the next quiz. You can play the quiz and understand it better on the live app.
I have used Render to deploy my app and MongoDB Atlas to deploy my DB. This is how i configured and made the whole app in a day. You can check the app, play with it, checkout the detailed video to see how i created it and make your own app from the The Coders Bakery.
Live Quiz App Link ( slow first load because of free server )
Thanks for reading!!!