SSH Key Generating for Git hub Process

What is SSH
SSH is also known as Secure Shell Protocol, which allows sys admins or users a secure way to access their systems over the unsecured network. You need ad public key and a private key to connect to the security systems.
The public is a key that will be used to decrypt the private key and usually gets saved in the secure credentialing manager on the user’s system.
The private key is an encrypted key that the users will have it saved somewhere safe on their computers.
The process demonstrated here is done on Linux, if you follow along you wont fail.
Navigate to
cd ~/.ssh
ssh-keygen -o -t key(RSA) -C
“your GitHub email address” -
If it asks you for a location just hit enter or return because by default ssh will look for the key here.
The location of the ssh key
cat id_key(rsa).pub
Copy and paste it into the git hub setting > ssh key.